Why Use a Conveyancer?

Property Covyeancer, helps you out to Prepare, Clarify and lodge your required legal documents in the process of Property Conveyancing either from the Buyer/Seller side.

For the Buyer, our Property Conveyancer will:

  • Prepare, Clarify and Lodge all of the required Documents
  • Go through the research of Property and related certificate of title
  • Check for types of Title and any required Information that needs to be addressed
  • Deposit money in a Trust Account
  • Calculate Rates, Taxes etc.
  • Act on your behalf to Settle the Property, advise or contact your Bank when Payments are final and ready to Go!

For the Seller, our Property Conveyancer will:

  • Prepare and ensure the Legal Documents are all sorted
  • Represent your Interest and respond to each requests from the Buyer etc.

Designed & Developed By: North Atlantic (Pty) Ltd.